From the CMF to the IMF: Failure of the Core-Collapse Model

AUTHORS: Veli-Matti Pelkonen, Paolo Padoan, Troels Haugbølle, Åke Nordlund

2021, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504, 1219


Full version of Table 1

Extended version of Figure in Appendix C:

Column density maps of all 344 progenitor cores, identified by the number in the upper left corner, with the letter based on the line-of-sight axis. Each map is based on the density subcube used in the identification of the progenitor, usually a 0.5 pc region (see the scale bar on the bottom left corner), centered on the newly-born star, with the time of the identification in the bottom right corner. The logarithmic colorbar runs from N_H_2 = 10^21.5 cm^-3 to N_H_2 = 10^24 cm^-3 before saturating. Cyan contours are drawn where there is at least one cell belonging to the progenitor core on the line of sight. Enlarging the high-resolution version of the maps, the current star particles are visible as little dots, with brightness proportional to their mass (their current mass is added to the density field in the local cell). Only a fraction of the star particles are visible at the lower resolution, if they completely dominate the column density at their position.

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