The Plant Cytochrome P450 Database

Welcome to the Plant Cytochrome P450 database

This database contains:
1) a comprehensive list of published land plant cytochromes P450 where one or more endogenous substrates are known
2) a list of published plant cytochrome P540 crystal structures
3) a list of herbicide-metabolizing plant cytochromes P450

To refer to this database, please cite: Hansen, CC, Nelson, DR, Møller, BL, and Werck-Reichhart, D. (2021). Plant cytochrome P450 plasticity and evolution. Molecular Plant 14:1244-1265, doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2021.06.028

For a list of named cytochromes P450, please visit the Cytochrome P450 Homepage (Nelson, DR (2009) The Cytochrome P450 Homepage. Human Genomics 4, 59-65).


Plant Biochemistry Laboratory, University of Copenhagen