Public Archive

This is the public archive with unique ID YXJjaGl2ZS1pWVEzMzE= .
The user-supplied meta data and files are available below.

Archive Meta Data

Owner: /C=DK/ST=NA/L=NA/O=IGN/OU=NA/CN=Ole Kim Hansen/
Name: ASReml_code_Abies_Neonectria
Description: ASReml programs used for analyses performed in the article "Genetic variation and genotype by environment interaction in susceptibility of Abies nordmanniana to the fungus Neonectria neomacrospora" published in Annals of Forest Science
Date: 2017-10-27 19:17:04.790665

Archive Files

Abies_Neonectria_AFS/ASReml notes for upload storage.R